Tag Archives: shit


Fuck that shit you spit about the stars in the skies above when we need to be talking about how these bitches I mean goddesses need love. Oh you mad though bro? Didn’t mommy and daddy give you what you need? Nah moms was gone and never even told you who pops was, did she? So now you wanna take that shit out on me. Ha! Isn’t it so ironic how fucked up folks shy away from therapy but are the most in need concurrently? I won’t exclude myself but you see that’s why I took up psychology. Relationships these days are the shit nah they are the shit nah I mean they are the shit! Literally! People walking around with multiple college degrees but inside they’re dying, handicapped by emotional dis-ease. The shit is mind boggling really. We live in a world tainted by unhealed souls begging for your heart as a hand out without the promise of reciprocation or self control. Fucking with these foolish mortals all you’ll get is absent intellect, a STD your fatherless seed can’t pronounce and no child support check. And that’s just from dealing with these males who mistakenly call themselves men. Let us not forget about the womb-man. Some of you broads are even worse. Less concerned with respecting your temple and more concerned with the next season’s designer purse. “Bag lady you gone hurt yo back dragging all them bags like that.”  Waiting for someone to come along to distract you from the introspection that needs to take place; too scared to stand alone in your own space. Why is it you think when you have someone you’re better but as soon as shit go south your self-security switches like the weather? Because you’re not! You live in an illusion girl! Basing your self-esteem off of a dream, a fantasy you were handed as a child. I’m referring to the lie they told you saying you’re incomplete. You were young and vulnerable so you made that a belief. Now you’re grown, so to speak. “I’ll be fine as soon as I can call him or her mine.” Are you deaf, dumb or are you blind? Can’t you see without self love you’re obsolete? Selling your soul for free in the between the sheets. The Isley Brothers were making love but baby you just getting fucked. Yeah that was harsh but you need to hear this shit, so imma give it to you raw and uncut. You’re not a victim, you’re a volunteer and you need to grow up. It makes no sense to be playing these games when all you’re doing is hurting yourself. As soon as they’re gone there you go feeling sorry for yourself. Why don’t you take a timeout and do what you need to do to eliminate self-doubt. Only then will you not have to fake like you’re the shit, you truly will be and you’ll have the internal work you accomplished to prove it, Just Like Me. 

~ Tiffany Michellé ✌

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Posted by on September 12, 2016 in Dating, Life, Love


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Beautiful Shit…

Beautiful Shit…

Picture this…you’re walking through a gate that leads to a backyard. There’s gorgeous people partying everywhere!! You see a gleaming olympic sized pool, a bubbly jacuzzi, a basketball court and then a quaint little guesthouse. You step into the guesthouse which is completely furnished, the queen sized bed folds into the wall, the pool tables calling your name but comfy looking couches with nice looking ladies are calling you too, wink wink. The aroma of homecooked food is tantalizing and teasing your tastebuds. As you veer to the left of the kitchen, there’s a bookshelf. Now STOP!!

This is the bookshelf that changed my life!

The bookshelf is a door that gives access to the underground hideaway cave in the guesthouse!! The book shelf opens and leads you down some stairs, these stairs guide you to the secret lear, now turning to the right you see 8-10 theatre seats, a big ass scene TV in the wall, a personal bathroom and temperature controlled wine cellar and a marble bar. I don’t know about you but when I see things like this, it makes question my life lol. I thought I was doing pretty well until yesterday.

Now, you may be thinking…what does this have to do with dating and relationships? Well if you shushhhh, quit asking me questions and relax, I’ll tell you. Although I had a blast with my friends at this party yesterday, last night I went to bed kind of pissed. Not at anyone else but at myself.

See, people say it’s good to have a heart like mine, sweet, loving and kind but when you go through life always giving, if you allow yourself to be with people who don’t give back and you don’t give to yourself, you wind up empty.

Last night I thought of all the time I’ve wasted feeding into individuals who didn’t deserve to be with me when I could’ve been happily building an empire with someone who was worthy. I was too busy not seeing ME and instead seeing this illusion of potentiality within them that they didn’t even see.

At times we see others for who we want them to be and not for who they are and it’s detrimental to us because it’s not real. If you see a pile of shit, even if there are flowers growing out of it, it’s still shit and no matter how much the flowers may distract you, you have to see it for what it is. It’s the same with people.

Don’t waste your life away putting yourself, your heart and your desires on the backburner. Recognize your worth and wait for someone who deserves you. Accept the fact that you aren’t responsible for changing people. They might change in the future but for right now, they are who they are. Take the time to get to know people before you seriously commit. Ask yourself, if they never change and they stay the same, would you want to continue dealing with them? If not, see it for what it is – Beautiful Shit!!! And move the fuck around Clown lol.

Until we meet again my sweets,

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Posted by on March 30, 2014 in Dating, Life


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